Thank you Fast Company!

I’m kvelling! A few weeks ago a wonderful Fast Company writer, Stephanie Vozza, approached me for input into an article on how to be as productive as possible during the summer. I told her that I actually thought the opposite: that summer should be for relaxing, and, moreover, that in summer people often relax into their authentic selves. So the goal should really be to carry one’s summer productivity habits and attitudes into the rest of the year, so one can live more joyfully and authentically all year long.

It was a pretty contrarian view and, to be honest, I didn’t expect Stephanie to rework her entire article around it. But that’s exactly what she did! Huge props to her and also to her editor for approving the switch! The result is this article and I couldn’t be prouder or more honored. I hope it inspires many people (including all of you, my FB friends) to live their summer life all year long.

Many thanks to Stephanie and Fast Company! Also, here’s a blog post in which I also explored this idea.

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